Friday, October 23, 2015

My neighbor hood is OK But someone got killed because he shot someone and killed them then some one killed him and then recently some one got caught with drugs and with a hand gun and he had 3 kids and he had one on the way and he is locked for some time and that's my past months..

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

                                                        Ingenuity Fest 

The ingenuity fest is were  people who are showing off the talents and all types of cool things and i can help the injunity fest by helping making seating of 40,000 people and it was a success and the only bad thing is that it rained for two days in a row and on the last day it was packed and are seating was used and was stable and comfortable and the end . 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

                                                              Robotics Blog

I like the robotics so far because i get college credits and i still got 3yrs left in high school  and this robotics stuff is fun as ever and i get to build the robots and at the end of the year we get to build drones robots and all types of other stuff and that's why i like robotics.

Friday, September 4, 2015

                                            Design Lab Early College HS                                                                                                                                              My experience at this High School Is i like it so far i like designing thing like a step for gym and robots and drones etc.  I like how we run school but i don't like how we run basketball because freshmen hoop on Fridays and only get to hoop in the morning 7:30 to 7:55 and gym is the boring and the most garbage class we got  and that's  my experience.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My Name Is carrionn anthony black and i go to design lab early college high school i am in the ninth grade and i went to mary B martin for the 8th grade an i played for the basketball team and we went to the championship and lost to harvy rice thats my school story.